Canada Super Visa

Canada Super Visa is for foreign nationals who want their parents or grandparents to live with them in Canada for a temporary time period. With the Canadian Super Visa, eligible parents and grandparents can visit family in Canada for up to 5 years without the need to renew their status. This is the best pathway for these family members who are looking for the maximum stay in Canada!

Super Visa Processing Time:

The processing time for the Super Visa varies by country but is typically processed within a few weeks!

Who is Eligible For a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa?

To be eligible for the super visa, applicants must be the parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents. Dependants of parents and grandparents are not eligible for the super visa. However, they can apply for a regular visitor visa. The super visa applicants must also be found admissible to Canada and meet some other conditions.

Visa officers consider several factors before deciding whether an applicant is admissible. Officers must believe the applicant is a genuine visitor to Canada who will leave by choice at the end of the visit. Among the things the officer might consider are the following:

  • the person’s ties to his or her home country;
  • the purpose of the visit;
  • the person’s family and financial situation;
  • the overall economic and political stability of the home country; and
  • invitations from Canadian hosts.

Super Visa Canada Requirements

Parents and Grandparents citizens can live in Canada for five years without needing to renew their status.

  1. Complete and submit form [IMM5257] (to be filled out outside of Canada).
  2. The parent’s financial and host financial situation will be considered.
  3. The overall economic and political also offer application.
  4. Invitation letter from the host.
  5. Parents or Grandparents must provide financial support from their child (host) and meet the minimum income requirements.
  6. Prove Canadian medical coverage insurance (for at least 1 year).
  7. Complete medical examination requirements.

Letter of Invitation format should include:

  • Complete Name and Middle Name of Parents.
  • Date of Birth/Country of Birth.
  • Parent/grandparent Address and Phone Number
  • Relationship to the host (citizen or permanent resident of Canada)
  • The purpose of the trip.
  • How long the parent/grandparent intends to stay?
  • Detail of accommodation and
  • Date the parent/grandparent intends to leave

Can I Apply for My Parents’ Super Visa from Canada?

Only the Parent(s)/Grandparent(s) wanting to come to Canada can apply for their own super visa. However, there is some information about the sponsor that must be included when applying: 

  • Full name
  • Date of birth
  • Phone number and home address
  • Job title
  • Information about status in Canada (citizen or permanent resident), including proof of status
  • Family details, including names and dates of birth
  • Total number of persons living in the home
  • Letter of invitation
  • Proof of minimum income (see below) 
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